• Galaxy
    • Comics
    • Sketchbook
    • About


About Me:

I am a college student studying illustration. In my free time I play way too much Stardew Valley, work on my PC, and walk around aimlessly I guess?

I suppose the challenge here is what I should write? I don't really know of anything I could say that justifies having a neocities account but I just... really find this stuff cool. It's like building your own little dimension I guess. That and it's kinda neat and refreshing to remove all the noise of the modern social media and play with something somewhat simpler. It allows you to see clearly just how neat the internet can be.

    To Do List:

  • Change the font to something cooler
  • Fine tune the color pallet
  • I have this really neat deskmat from the game Celeste, and I kinda want the color pallete to emulate that, or at least get somewhere close:

  • Contrive a reason to have made this in the first place

It's been said a few times but I *really* don't know what I am doing, so jotting down whatever I can think of seems appropriate. I am intimidated by javascript and so I am saving that for last. Forgive me for my ramblings, there will be bad formatting, bad code, broken pages, and general pandemonium ahead. It's possible that I won't even glance at this site for the next six months.